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1935 Pictorials Māori Motif Notebook

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Note down your observations on nature, doodle to your heart’s content or write down your daily thoughts with this handy notebook. With 25 unlined pages and a pocket in the back cover, at a tidy 130mm x 200mm it’s perfectly sized to take with you anywhere. The cover features artwork from the iconic 1935 Pictorials Māori Decoration stamp.

The subject of this stamp is a modification of a design adopted by Māori for the ornamentation of sliding panels used as doors, 'tatau', employing the preferred colours of red, black and white. The initial printing of this stamp by Waterlow & Sons was in black and red, subsequent printings by the New Zealand Government printer resulted in many colour variations from slate-grey to black and red to scarlet.

Technical information

  • Dimensions: 130mm x 200mm
  • Paper: FSC mixed paper
  • Number of pages: 25
  • Weight: 87g.

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