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2009 ANZAC Series - Comrades in Arms

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Time after time, Australian and New Zealand forces have united in the cause of peace – working together in a spirit of comradeship forged during the battle for Gallipoli in World War 1. Defending their own and others’ shores, the ‘ANZACs’ performed with distinction, achieving more together than would have been possible alone.

Issue information

New Zealand Post was proud to introduce this, the second stamp release in The ANZAC Series. Following Stories of Nationhood, this unique issue honoured Comrades in Arms. Stories of comradeship at home and abroad are told through military units from New Zealand that, together with others in armed services around the world, have achieved greatness in the theatres of war. This was your opportunity to learn about their stories and celebrate the endeavours and achievements of our military heroes, many of whom gave their lives for the sake of freedom for all.

Read the Stories Behind the Stamps

The images on the stamps were just the beginning of a story of extraordinary courage and effective collaboration under fire. In times of need, New Zealanders are renowned for working together to achieve a common goal. You could read more about the units and the men who made them successful in the Comrades in Arms miniature sheet booklet – a record for friends and family of all ages, and a superb acquisition for the serious collector.

Product Listing for 2009 ANZAC Series - Comrades in Arms

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 50c 'Funeral Procession of the Unknown Warrior, 2004' gummed stamp.

On Armistice Day in 2004, the New Zealand Defence Force accorded the ‘Unknown Warrior’ a full military funeral, attended by representatives of all New Zealand’s armed services. The moving story of his return home from the Somme in France to his final resting place can be found in the miniature sheet booklet that was also available.

Single Stamp

Single 50c 'New Zealand (Māori) Pioneer Battalion, WW1' gummed stamp.

In 1919 the Pioneer Battalion was the only battalion of the New Zealand Expeditionary force to return to New Zealand as a complete unit. This is a remarkable story of humble heroism and sacrifice, of Māori, Pākehā and Pacific peoples giving essential and unstinting support to Allied troops fighting on the Western Front.

Single Stamp

Single $1.00 'No. 75 (NZ) Squadron RAF, WW2' gummed stamp.

How the RNZAF came to have the name No. 75 (NZ) Squadron RAF is an amazing story and a true reflection of New Zealand’s character. The miniature sheet booklet delves into this and other stories relating to the stamps.

Single Stamp

Single $1.50 'HMS Achilles, WW2' gummed stamp.

More than 100,000 jubilant Kiwis flocked to the celebratory parades held in Auckland and Wellington when the Achilles and her crew returned home in 1940. Determined and courageous in battle, united in pursuit of the enemy, they played a key role in the Allies’ first major naval victory of World War 2.

Single Stamp

Single $2.00 'Kayforce, Korea' gummed stamp.

Between 1950 and 1955, a total of 3,794 New Zealand soldiers served in ‘Kayforce’, including an army volunteer force of artillery and support troops. Their role in supporting the Commonwealth and United States’ forces is the stuff of legends – and an affirmation of the power of comradeship on an international scale.

Single Stamp

Single $2.50 'ANZAC Battalion, Vietnam' gummed stamp.

More than 50 years after Gallipoli, the ‘ANZACs’ were once again united in war – this time with two New Zealand infantry battalions operating under the command of an Australian regiment. The joint effort was remarkably successful, as separate strengths combined to achieve demanding military objectives.

Miniature Sheet Booklet This miniature sheet booklet featured seven miniature sheets, six incorporating the individual stamps, and one comprising the set of six stamps. It was issued as part of the 2009 ANZAC Series - Comrades in Arms stamp issue. $19.90
First Day Cover First day cover with stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $8.50

Technical information

Date of issue: 1 April 2009
Number of stamps: Six gummed stamps
Denominations: 50c x 2, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50
Stamps and first day cover designed by: Communication Arts, Wellington
Printer and process: Southern Colour Print, New Zealand by offset lithography
Number of colours: Four process colours plus silver
Stamp size and format: 40mm x 30mm
Paper type: Tullis Russell 104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper
Number of stamps per sheet: 25
Perforation gauge: 14
Special blocks: Plate/imprint blocks could be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps from a sheet. Barcode blocks were available in both A and B formats.
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 31 March 2010.
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