Celebrating our nation’s participation at ‘Expo 2010 Shanghai China’, we presented an exciting collection of stamp products that captured the remarkable similarities between the cultures of New Zealand and China.
Issue information
Innovative yet elegantly classical, the products complement the Expo and its theme of ‘Better City, Better Life’. The New Zealand pavilion explores the New Zealand lifestyle and the Expo’s theme through ‘Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky’.
Inspired by prominent aspects of the New Zealand pavilion, the five stamps were 80mm high and 30mm wide and had a surprise element that you’ll only see by looking at their reverse sides – a reminder of the Expo’s importance and relevance, and the cultural links between our two nations.
Product Listing for 2010 Shanghai World Expo
Image |
Title |
Description |
Price |
Single Stamp |
Single 50c 'Pōhutukawa and Peony Flowers' gummed stamp.
The 50-cent stamp features our native pōhutukawa alongside peony flowers often seen in Chinese art. Both blossoms are red, a colour of significance in both Māori and Chinese cultures. Look closely at the stamp and you’ll notice the pōhutukawa tree that sits at the end of the rooftop garden and concludes the visitor experience of the New Zealand pavilion. Although the tree is artificial to withstand the Shanghai climate, it’s strong enough to climb, big enough to fit 20 people and includes a New Zealand classic – a tyre swing!
50c– 圣诞花与牡丹花
50c邮票的设计描绘的是新西兰的特产花卉圣诞花以及常常在中国艺术绘画里为人所熟知的牡丹花。两种花卉都为红色,而红色在毛利文化和中国文化中都是一种非常重要的颜色。近看此枚邮票,您会注意到圣诞花的树木位于屋顶花园的尽头,使参观者在结束新西兰展馆之旅时的感受意犹未尽。此树木虽是人工制作,却依然足够强壮,可以攀爬及承载二十余人同时还包括新西兰特有的– 胶轮秋千!
$0.50 |
Single Stamp |
Single $1.00 'Kaitiaki and Fu Dog' gummed stamp.
Both the Māori kaitiaki and China’s Fu Dog have similar roles. Kaitiaki are carers, guardians, protectors and conservers of the sky, sea and land, while pairs of Fu Dogs (also known as guardian lions, lion dogs and temple lions) can be found outside many Chinese homes and businesses, providing powerful protection against bad fortune. Eight kaitiaki, one of which is featured on this stamp, were carved by Lyonel Grant for the New Zealand pavilion, each different from the next. They adorn the railings that zigzag through the garden at the pavilion.
$1.00 - Kaitiaki 与石狮
毛利文化中的Kaitiaki与中国文化中的石狮都扮演着十分相似的角色。Kaitiaki是天空、海洋和大地的看护者、守护者及管理者。而成对的石狮总是矗立在许多中国家庭和商业建筑外,它们是阻挡邪恶的有力守护者。此枚邮票上描绘的是新西兰展馆内陈列的八尊Kaitiaki其中的一尊,八尊Kaitiaki全部由Lyonel Grant为新西兰展馆特别雕刻,每尊形态皆不相同。他们装饰着展馆内花园中交错纵延的围栏。
$1.00 |
Single Stamp |
Single $1.80 'Tāne and Pan Gu' gummed stamp.
According to Māori legend, Tāne (the god of the forests and birds) was instrumental in creating the world of light after separating his parents Papatūānuku and Ranginui. In doing so he created light for a better life. Visitors to the New Zealand pavilion pass through the Waharoa (gateway) carving of Tāne featured on this stamp and into the dawn of a new day for an average New Zealand family. Designed by Sam Sakaria and sculpted by Winiata Tapsell, it will surely be a hit at the pavilion. The story of how ‘Pan Gu’ created the world by separating the heaven and the earth from chaos is one of many Chinese creation stories. After his death, Pan Gu’s body parts became the earth, the sun, the moon and the clouds.
$1.80 – 森林之王与盘古
毛利的神话传说中提到‘森林之王Tane’(森林和鸟兽之神)与他的父母Papatūānuku 和Ranginui分开后对创造光的世界起到了十分重要的作用。参观新西兰展馆的游客穿过刻有此枚邮票中绘制的Tane的Waharoa(通道),步入一个普通新西兰家庭迎来的新一天的黎明时分。由Sam Sakaria设计,Winiata Tapsell雕刻,森林之王Tane毫无疑问将成为展馆内的一大亮点。而有关盘古如何开创天地,将天地从混沌中分离出来的故事是为众多中国家庭所熟知的世界起源的传说。盘古死后,他的一部分的身体变成了土地,太阳,月亮和云。
$1.80 |
Single Stamp |
Single $2.30 'Auckland and Shanghai' gummed stamp.
Just as Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand, so is Shanghai the largest city in China (it’s also the largest city in the world). Both cities have harbour-side locations, with the shipping trades of the past leading to their growth and development as prime business and tourism locations today. Auckland is known as the ‘City of Sails’, while the symbols of Shanghai’s name translate as ‘up, on, or above’ and ‘sea’.
$2.30 – 奥克兰与上海
$2.30 |
Single Stamp |
Single $2.80 'Heitiki and Cong' gummed stamp.
Jade (pounamu) is significant in both Māori and Chinese cultures. Its importance and use by both civilisations dates back thousands of years. The similarity is portrayed in this stamp by the heitiki and cong, both jade objects once owned and used by high-ranking ‘aristocrats’. The heitiki is the most precious of Māori pendants, gifted in recognition of major achievements or deeds performed on behalf of others, while the tubular-shaped cong is a symbol of good luck, traditionally used for religious functions and funerals. This heitiki is on loan from the Otago Museum for display at the New Zealand pavilion.
$2.80 – Heitiki 玉坠与玉琮
$2.80 |
Miniature Sheet |
Mint, used or cancelled miniature sheet. |
$8.40 |
First Day Cover |
First day cover with stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. |
$8.90 |
Set of Souvenir Covers |
Set of first day covers with stamps affixed from exhibition opening day. |
$8.90 |
Technical information
Date of issue: |
30 April 2010 |
Number of stamps: |
Five gummed stamps |
Miniature sheet: |
One sheet with five stamps |
Denominations: |
50c, $1.00, $1.80, $2.30, $2.80 |
Stamps and first day cover designed by: |
Assignment Group, Wellington, New Zealand |
Printer and process: |
Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography |
Number of colours: |
Four process colours |
Stamp size and format: |
30mm x 80mm (vertical) |
Paper type: |
Tullis Russell 104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper |
Number of stamps per sheet: |
10 |
Perforation gauge: |
14 |
Special blocks: |
Plate/imprint blocks could be obtained by purchasing five stamps from a sheet. Barcode blocks were available in both A and B formats. |
Period of sale: |
These stamps remained on sale until close of business 29 April 2011. |