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2016 Children's Health: Being Active

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New Zealand’s clean, green, wide open spaces provide the perfect playground for Kiwi kids to be healthy and active. Exploring their environment through everyday play is in their DNA!

Issue information

The 2016 Children’s Health stamps showed how Kiwi kids can easily embrace a healthy and active lifestyle through regular daily exercise. Just 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day is all it takes for kids to build strong, healthy bodies and minds, and friendships too. Whether it’s walking or biking to school, playing sports at lunchtime or climbing the jungle gym – it’s all doable in a day for our kids at play!

This beautifully illustrated stamp issue consisted of three stamps that showed children in simple, everyday play. Each stamp represented one of the three key areas of exercise that help keep children healthy: aerobic activity, strength building and flexibility. Together, the three stamps formed a seamless illustrated image.

Ten cents from the sale of each stamp in this issue went directly to Stand Children’s Services Tu Maia Whanau (formerly known as Children’s Health Camps). The stamps helped to aid the valuable service that Stand provides to children and their families in need around New Zealand. New Zealand Post has been a proud supporter of Children’s Health Camps since 1929.

Being Active Collectables 

Available in this energetic issue was a miniature sheet, a first day cover and a miniature sheet first day cover. Each of these collectables featured more imagery supporting the Being Active message, set in a leafy, park-like scene. Could you spot the New Zealand native birds in the trees?

Discontinuation of Children's Health Stamps

After 87 years of Health stamps, New Zealand Post and Stand (previously Children’s Health Camps) agreed that it was time to discontinue the production of these stamps.



Product Listing for 2016 Children's Health: Being Active

Click on image to enlarge.

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single $1.00 + 10c 'Aerobic' gummed stamp.

Let’s get physical! Boys and girls of different ages come together for a casual game of touch rugby. Kicking a ball around is a fun team sport that builds confidence and camaraderie. This aerobic activity increases the heart rate and helps to pump oxygen through the body.

Single Stamp

Single $1.80 + 10c 'Strength' gummed stamp.

Build big, strong muscles and bones! With little more than a rope and a bunch of enthusiastic children, you can have a classic game of ‘tug of war’. A great all-over strength workout with endless fun and health benefits.

Single Stamp

Single $2.20 + 10c 'Flexibility' gummed stamp.

Limber up the limbs! Exercise doesn’t have to be rigorous. Some gentle stretching during a PE class, at home, or at the park is all it takes to develop and maintain flexible joints.

Miniature Sheet Mint, used or cancelled gummed miniature sheet. $5.30
First Day Cover First day cover with gummed se-tenant set affixed. $5.80
Miniature Sheet First Day Cover First day cover with gummed miniature sheet affixed. $5.80

Technical information

Date of issue: 7 September 2016
Number of stamps: Three gummed stamps
Denominations: $1.00 + 10c , $1.80 + 10c and $2.20 + 10c
Designed by: Stephen and Di Fuller, Wellington, New Zealand
Printer and process: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography
Number of colours: Four process colours
Stamp size and format: 46mm x 35mm (horizontal)
Paper type: 104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper
Number of stamps per sheet: 25
Perforation gauge: 14.28 x 14.27
Special blocks: Plate/imprint blocks could be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps from a sheet. Barcode blocks were available in A and B formats.
Period of sale: Unless stocks were exhausted earlier, these stamps remained on sale until 6 September 2017. First day covers remained on sale until 6 November 2016.
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