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Mark Cleverley Bay of Islands Landing by Marion du Fresne Notebook

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Note down your observations on nature, doodle to your heart’s content or write down your daily thoughts with this handy notebook. With 25 unlined pages and a pocket in the back cover, at a tidy 130mm x 200mm it’s perfectly sized to take with you anywhere.

Designed by Mark Cleverley, this artwork was created for the Anniversaries 1972 stamp issue. In April 1772 the two ships of this expedition anchored in the Bay of Islands. The Māori were friendly and camps were set up on Moturoa Island. On 6 June du Fresne and 13 men went to visit a neighbouring village but were never seen again. The following day 12 men went ashore to search but only one returned. It is believed the French may have violated a native tapu. The design incorporates a silhouette of a 22-gun French frigate together with a portion of the Māori palisade at Motorua.

Technical information

  • Dimensions: 130mm x 200mm
  • Paper: FSC mixed paper
  • Number of pages: 25
  • Weight: 87g.

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