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1935 Health

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The design of the 1935 Health stamp symbolised the 'Key to Health'.  The principal feature is a view though a keyhole of a happy and smiling child clad in a bathing suit and playing on a sandy beach on a bright and sunny day.

Issue information

The Health Camp authorities, working in close co-operation with the Post and Telegraph Department, inaugurated an intensive campaign to boost the sales of the 1935 Health stamp issue. The Post and Telegraph Department issued a specially prepared first day cover, which was sold at a premium of 1d with the entire proceeds from sales being allocated to the Children’s Health Camps.

The public reaction to the campaign was very positive and a record number of stamps were sold in addition to 51,759 used on the official covers. The proceeds of the 'Health' value of these 1935 Health stamps were donated to the Children's Health Camps movement.

The 1935 Health stamps were placed on sale on the 30th September 1935, and although it was anticipated that the issue would remain on sale until 28 February 1936, it was withdrawn from sale at very short notice on the 11 January 1936. 


New Zealand Post would like to acknowledge the following for their assistance and guidance in bringing together this stamp issue:

Historical information included on this page sourced from The Postage Stamps of New Zealand published by the Royal Philatelic Society of NZ. Their web site offers further information useful to those interested in the stamps and postal history of New Zealand. Link:

Product Listing for 1935 Health

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 1d + 1d 'Key to Health' gummed stamp.

The view, through a keyhole of a happy and smiling child at play at a beach on a bright and sunny day.

  First Day Cover Specially prepared cover with the entire proceeds going to the Childrens Health Camps.  1d

Technical information

Date of issue: 30 September 1935
Designers: S Hall, Post and Telegraph Department, Wellington
Printers: Australian Bank Note and Stamp Printer, Australia
Stamp size: 25mm x 41mm
Sheet size: 48 stamps per sheet
Process: Recess printed - Intaglio
Perforation gauge: 11
Paper type: Wiggins Teape unsurfaced, NZ and star watermark
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 11 January 1936.
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