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1939 Express Delivery

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On 1 January 1901 an express delivery and special messenger service was introduced by the Post and Telegraph Office. 

Issue information

On payment of a special fee, the sender of an article could ensure that it would be delivered as soon as possible after receipt at the office of destination. A special stamp was produced in 1903 to better promote the service.

By 1938 the original stamp had been in use for 35 years and it was thought that the time had come to introduce a new one. As a Chrysler coupe was then in use in the larger centres for the delivery of Express correspondence, it was felt that this would be an appropriate subject to depict on the stamp, which was designed by James Berry and engraved by the Australian Commonwealth Note and Stamp Printer.


New Zealand Post would like to acknowledge the following for their assistance and guidance in bringing together this stamp issue:

Historical information included on this page sourced from The Postage Stamps of New Zealand published by the Royal Philatelic Society of NZ. Their web site offers further information useful to those interested in the stamps and postal history of New Zealand. Link:

Product Listing for Express Delivery

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 6d gummed stamp.

This stamp design was based on a photograph of a type of Chrysler coupe then in use in larger centres for delivery of express correspondence.


Technical information

Date of issue: 16 August 1939
Designers: J Berry, Wellington
Printers: Government Printing Office, New Zealand
Stamp size: 40mm x 24mm
Sheet size: 60 stamps per sheet
Process: Recess printed - Intaglio
Perforation gauge: 14
Paper type: Cowan 'Esparto', NZ and star watermark
Period of sale: This stamp remained on sale until 30 June 1948.


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