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1997 Children's Health - Healthy Living

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The 1997 Children's Health stamp designs were the result of a Design a Stamp competition based on the theme of 'healthy living'.

Issue information

This year's children's health stamp issue carried designs by the three young winners of New Zealand Post's Design a Stamp competition, which was run in the letter stages of 1996.

The theme of the competition was 'healthy living', and it was divided into three age categories: under 9 years, 9-12 years, and 13-18 years.

The Design a Stamp competition winners were:

  • 13-18 year category: 17 year old Fern Petrie with her beach design
  • 9-12 year category: 11 year old Anita Pitcher's mosaic of a person collecting fruit
  • Under 9 category: 8 year old Georgia Dumergue with her design featuring the young artist horse-riding.

The proceeds of the surcharge value of the health stamps were donated to the Children's Health Camps movement.

Product Listing for 1997 Children's Health - Health Living

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp Single 40c + 5c 'Child on beach' gummed stamp. $0.45
Single Stamp Single 80c + 5c 'Horseriding on waterfront' gummed stamp. $0.85
  Single Stamp Single 40c + 5c 'Person collecting fruit from tree' self-adhesive stamp. $0.45
Miniature Sheet Mint, used or cancelled miniature sheet. $1.75
First Day Cover First day cover with with gummed stamps and self-adhesive stamp affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $2.25
Miniature Sheet First Day Cover First day cover with miniature sheet affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $2.25
  Self-adhesive Dispenser Dispenser box containing 100 x 40c + 5c self-adhesive stamps.  $45.00

Technical information

Date of issue: 18 June 1997
Number of stamps: Three
Stamps illustrated by: 40c + 4c sheet stamp: Fern Petrie, Auckland; 80c + 5c sheet stamp: Georgia Dumergue, Auckland; 40c + 5c self-adhesive stamp: Anita Pitcher, Palmerston North
Stamps, miniature sheet and first day covers designed by: Communication Arts, Wellington, New Zealand
Denominations and designs: 40c + 5c sheet stamp - Child on beach, 80c + 5c sheet stamp - Horseriding on waterfront, 40c + 5c self-adhesive stamp - Person collecting fruit from tree, $1.75 miniature sheet (containing one of each stamp) - beach scene
Printer and process: Southern Colour Print, Dunedin, New Zealand by lithography
Number of colours: Four
Stamp size and format: Sheet stamps: 40mm x 30mm (horizontal); Self-adhesive stamp: 26mm x 37mm (vertical)
Miniature sheet size: 135mm x 90mm
Paper type: Sheet stamps and miniature sheet: 103gsm gummed stamp paper; Self adhesive stamp: Harrison and Sons self-adhesive stamp paper
Number of stamps per sheet: 50
Number of stamps per roll: 100
Cost of unaddressed first day cover with stamps: $2.25
Cost of unaddressed first day cover with miniature sheet: $2.25
Perforation gauge: 14
Special blocks: Plate/imprint, positional or value blocks could be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps.
Colour blocks: Also known as 'traffic lights', these blocks were included in plate blocks.
Barcode blocks: Barcode blocks were available in both A and B formats.
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 18 June 1998.
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