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2002 Scenic Coastlines

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Serene, majestic, wild and thunderous glimpses of treasures that are uniquely New Zealand.

Issue information

It's easy to take for granted a uniquely New Zealand pleasure - holidays spent by the sea. Warm summer days filled with swimming, surfing, snorkeling, sailing, fishing...

Overseas visitors marvel at the endless expanses of flat beach, sandstone cliffs or incredible rock formations that make up our coastline that is not just a miracle of nature - it's a 70 million-year-old legacy we need to preserve and treasure.

Ours is a rare and wondrous gift, wrought by nature. molten lava meeting the sea face on. Relentless waves, rolling in century upon century, sculpting stone into majestic formations. And depositing grains that gradually transform into serene beaches.

Capture the Beauty and Preserve the Legacy

Six beautifully crafted images made up this 2002 Scenic Coastlines stamp issue. You might have caught a look at the Hector's Dolphin in the Catlins, south of Dunedin which featured on our 90c stamp. Other regions included on the stamps were Raglan, the rugged West Coast, Kaikoura, Taranaki and East Cape.

First Day Cover

The 2002 Scenic Coastlines stamp issue had two first day covers. One featured the self-adhesive 40c, 90c and $1.50 stamps set on an image of Rangitoto Island, a landmark of Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. The other displayed all six gummed stamps against a vista of the South Island's magnificent, windswept West Coast.

Presentation Pack

The presentation pack showcased the stamps and first day covers in all their scenic glory, and provided an insight into the issue and the diverse locations it featured.

Self-adhesive Stamps

Three 2002 Scenic Coastlines stamps were available in self-adhesive format - in booklets of 10 for the 40c Tongaporutu Cliffs and 90c Curio Bay stamps, or booklets of five for the $1.50 Meybille Bay stamp.

Dispenser boxes which contained 100 of the 40c Tongaporutu Cliffs self-adhesive stamp was also available.

Product Listing for 2002 Scenic Coastlines

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 40c 'Tongaporutu Cliffs, Taranaki' gummed stamp.

The White Cliffs near Tongaporutu loom up to 245 metres above this stretch of north Taranaki coast, famous for its excellent surfing conditions.

Single Stamp

Single 80c 'Lottin Point, East Cape' gummed stamp.

Boasting waters 20 metres deep right next to its rocky coastline, Lottin Point is a popular and scenic spot for rock-based game fishing and diving.

Single Stamp

Single 90c 'Curio Bay, Catlins' gummed stamp.

The fossilised remains of a 160 million year old forest lie buried in the coastal bedrock at Curio Bay, on the South Island's spectacular south-east coast.

Single Stamp

Single $1.30 'Kaikoura Coast' gummed stamp.

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the often snow-capped Kaikoura Ranges, this rugged coastline is home to an abundance of fur seals, whales and dolphins.

Single Stamp

Single $1.50 'Meybille Bay, West Coast' gummed stamp.

Towering limestone bluffs, powerful seas and lush vegetation combine to create majestic splendour and breathtaking scenery on the South Island's West Coast.

Single Stamp

Single $2.00 'Papanui Point, Raglan' gummed stamp.

Raglan, on the North Island's Waikato coast, is famous for its black sand beaches, stunning coastal views and relaxed surfing, swimming, windsurfing and boating lifestyle.

Single Stamp Single 40c 'Tongaporutu Cliffs, Taranaki' self-adhesive stamp. $0.40
Single Stamp Single 90c 'Curio Bay, Catlins' self-adhesive stamp. $0.90
Single Stamp Single $1.50 'Meybille Bay, West Coast' self-adhesive stamp. $1.50
First Day Cover First day cover with gummed stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $7.40
First Day Cover First day cover with self-adhesive stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $3.30
Self-adhesive Dispenser Dispenser box containing 100 x 40c self-adhesive stamps. $40.00
Self-adhesive Booklet Booklet containing 10 x 40c self-adhesive stamps. $4.00
Self-adhesive Booklet Booklet containing 10 x 90c self-adhesive stamps. $9.00
Self-adhesive Booklet Booklet containing 5 x $1.50 self-adhesive stamps. $7.50
Presentation Pack  Presentation pack containing a selection of stamp products from the issue and further information on the theme of the stamps. $24.95

Technical information

Date of issue: 3 July 2002
Number of stamps: Six
Denominations and designs: 40c Tongaporutu Cliffs, Tranaki (gummed and self-adhesive), 80c Lottin Point, East Cape, 90c Curio Bay, Catlins (gummed and self-adhesive), $1.30 Kaikoura Coast, $1.50 Meybille Bay, West Coast (gummed and self-adhesive), $2.00 Papnui Point, Raglan
Stamps and first day covers designed by: The Bureau Interactive Limited, Dunedin
Dispenser and self-adhesive booklets designed by: Cato Partners, Wellington
Printer and process: Gummed: Southern Colour Print, Dunedin by offset lithography; Self-adhesive booklets: Southern Colour Print, Dunedin; Stamp dispenser: Sprintpak/Pemera, Melbourne, Australia by offset lithography
Number of colours: Gummed: Four process colours; Self-adhesive: Five
Stamp size and format: Gummed: 30mm x 40mm (horizontal); Self-adhesive: 30mm x 25mm
Number of stamps per sheet: Gummed: 50; Booklets of 10 (40c and 90c); Booklets of five ($1.50); Dispensers of 100
Paper type: Gummed:103gsm De la Rue red phosphor stamp paper;  Self-adhesive booklets: JAC non detection self-adhesive B100; Dispenser: JAC Australian non phosphor self-adhesive stamp paper
Perforation: 14 x 14 and diecut
Special blocks: Plate/imprint blocks could be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps from a sheet. Barcode, value blocks and logo blocks could be obtained by purchasing at least two stamps from a sheet. Barcode blocks were available in both A and B formats for sheet stamps.
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 2 July 2003.
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