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Farm Animals Booklet - Postal Rate Decrease

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This stamp booklet issue depicts the varied range of farm animals found in New Zealand.

Issue information

The export of sheep and dairy products has brought New Zealand billions of dollars and continues to do so. Two or three generations ago the majority of New Zealand farms would have been stocked with most of the animals featured in this booklet - horses, pigs, fowls, ducks and turkeys. Advances in technology and transport and a higher standard of living have today led to more specialised farming practices without the varied range of animals of previous decades.

Deer and goat farms were a relatively new phenomenon in 1995. Deer farming for their meat has been a big export earner whilst goats also became an important economic sideline for many farmers who were diversifying.

Due to a postage rate decrease on 2 October 1995 the stamp booklet was reissued with 40c denominations. Also reissued as 40c denominations were a 1994 40c Ross Dependency Emperor Penguin gummed definitive stamp, a 1995 Christmas 40c Angel Gabriel gummed stamp and a 1995 40c Self-adhesive A to B gummed stamp. The Christmas stamp and Self-adhesive A to B stamp featured on the first day cover along with the ten 40c Farmyard Animals stamps.

Exhibition Miniature Sheet - $2.50
This exhibition product commemorated the Singapore'95 World Stamp Exhibition held in Singapore 1-10 September 1995. The sheet depicted the varied range of farm animals found in New Zealand. Issued 1 September 1995.

Product Listing for Farm Animals Booklet - Postal Rate Decrease

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Image Title Description Price
First Day Cover First day cover with 10 x 40c farm animals stamps, 1 x 40c Christmas stamp and 1 x 40c Self-adhesive A to B stamp affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $5.05
Booklet Booklet containing 10 x 40c gummed stamps. $4.00

Technical information

Date of issue: 1 September 1995
Designer: Joanne Kreyl, Wellington, NZ
Printer: Southern Colour Print, New Zealand
Stamp size: 25mm x 30mm; Miniature sheet 170mm x 70mm
Sheet size: 10 stamps per booklet; Miniature sheet of ten stamps
Process: Lithography
Perforation gauge: 14 x 14.5
Paper type: Harrison and Sons, red phosphor coated, unwatermarked
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 1 September 1996.
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