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Native Trees Kauri Notebook

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Note down your observations on nature, doodle to your heart’s content or write down your daily thoughts with this handy notebook. With 25 unlined pages and a pocket in the back cover, at a tidy 130mm x 200mm it’s perfectly sized to take with you anywhere.

This notebook features artwork from the 1989 Native Trees stamp issue. The mighty kauri once covered much of North Auckland and the Coromandel peninsula. Some living trees are thought to be about 2,000 years old - often reaching 30 metres or more in height. In the north of the North Island, 67,144 hectares of kauri forest still remain.

Technical information

  • Dimensions: 130mm x 200mm
  • Paper: FSC mixed paper
  • Number of pages: 25
  • Weight: 87g.

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