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Niue Birds 2011

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With a quarter of Niue made up of virgin rainforest, it is little surprise that there is an equally stunning array of exotic birdlife complementing this island paradise.

Issue information

While many fascinating birds call Niue home, this bird-themed stamp issue features three of Niue's favourite species.

The individual stamps in this issue are as follows:

$1.70 Miti

The miti (Aplonis tabuensis) is a sociable bird that moves about as part of a family group. Distinguishable by it's stubby bill and mainly brown feathering, the miti can often be heard whistling as it perches on branches above the rainforest canopy.

$2.00 Heahea

The heahea (Lalage maculosa) is an active and noisy bird that is also one of Niue's most approachable birds.  With a variety of calls this fast flying black-and-white bird is also distinguishable by the its black eye-stripe and narrow white tail tip.

$2.40 Kulukulu

The kulukulu (Ptilinopus porphyraceus) is very distinctive and tropical in colouring, with a green and grey body with hints of bright yellow.  What makes it really stand out though is its crimson crown. These doves tend to live in a pair or alone, and feed mainly on berries.


This vibrant collection also includes a shaped miniature sheet produced in the shape of two hega (Vini australis).  Bright green in colour, these parrots are adorned with a blue/purple crown and a red chin, throat, cheeks and upper belly. Similar miniature sheets sold out quickly last year, so be sure you don't miss out on your own brightly coloured parrots!

Technical information

Date of issue: 6 July 2011
Number of stamps: Set of three gummed stamps
Denominations: $1.70, $2.00, $2.40
Illustration by: Michael Payne, Wellington, New Zealand
Stamps and first day covers designed by:  Stamps and Collectables Business, New Zealand Post, Wellington, New Zealand
Printer and process: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography
Number of colours: Four process colours
Stamp size and format: 35.7mm x 30mm (horizontal), 25.7mm x 30mm (vertical)
Paper type: Tullis Russell 104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper
Number of stamps per sheet: 25 stamps
Perforation gauge: 14
Special blocks: Plate and value blocks are available on request
Period of sale: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier, these stamps will remain on sale until close of business 5 July 2012
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