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Olymphilex 2000

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New Zealand Post commemorated the Olymphilex 2000 stamp exhibition with this special issue.

Issue information

Olymphilex 2000 was held in Sydney during the Olympic Games from 15 – 28 September. This was the seventh event of its kind. The first was held in Lausanne in 1985. The last exhibition was held in Atlanta and attracted over 63,000 visitors. This year, the exhibition included Olympic stamps, coins and memorabilia, and displays of some renowned Olympic/sport collections and was hoped to attract as many, if not more, visitors.

In 1992, the Spanish exhibition pioneered Olympic pins. This year, for the first time, a series of Olympic stamps were issued on pins.

To commemorate Olymphilex 2000, New Zealand Post issued, on 4 August 2000, a special souvenir cover that featured the four Olympic stamps from the Olympic & Sporting Pursuits stamp issue.

Product Listing for Olymphilex 2000

Image Title Description Price
Souvenir Cover First day cover with four gummed stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $4.00

Technical information

Date of issue: 4 August 2000
Souvenir cover designed by: New Zealand Post Stamps Business
Cost of souvenir cover: $4.00
Period of sale: This souvenir cover remained on sale until 4 October 2000.
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