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RSA: 100 Years of Service

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2016 marked 100 years since the formation of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (RSA). Since it was founded, the RSA has been an integral part of New Zealand communities and we paid tribute to the important role it plays with this special stamp and coin issue.

Issue information

The RSA was established by wounded soldiers returning to New Zealand from the First World War. They recognised a need to provide support and comfort for service men, women and their families and to honour and remember those who would never come home. The RSA was responsible for the introduction of the iconic poppy as a symbol of remembrance and also successfully lobbied for Anzac Day to become a public holiday.

Today, the RSA is one of the country’s largest organisations and continues to support current and ex-service personnel and their families through a re-energised brand and a focus on building awareness in its communities. 100 years on the RSA remains as relevant as ever, with New Zealand producing more veterans today than at any time since the end of World War II.

This commemorative stamp issue consisted of six gummed stamps that portray the RSA’s identity and history. The designs incorporate the new RSA ‘heart’ logo, which reflects the RSA’s ambition to be at the heart of New Zealand’s communities.

Collectables Honouring the RSA’s Legacy

Available in this commemorative issue was a miniature sheet, a first day cover and a miniature sheet first day cover. Each product contained the six gummed stamps and the first day cover featured an image of a World War II serviceman embracing a loved one after his return to Wellington on the Wanganella.

Learn more and Support the RSA with the Presentation Pack

The ultimate stamp collectable from this issue, the presentation pack contained the six gummed stamps, the miniature sheet and the first day cover as well as further detail on the history and relevance of the RSA as written by RNZRSA historian, Dr Stephen Clarke. The presentation pack was the perfect way to remember and honour the legacy of the RSA.

Commemorative Coins

Take a look at the commemorative coins that were also part of this issue. Click here to find out more.

Product Listing for RSA: 100 Years of Service

Click on image to enlarge.

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 80c 'The Returned' gummed stamp.

On 28 April 1916 – only three days after the first Anzac Day commemorations – Captain Donald Simson (centre in second row) oversaw a national meeting of returned soldiers in Wellington that established the New Zealand Returned Soldiers’ Association.

Single Stamp

Single $1.40 'The Poppy' gummed stamp.

Few charitable appeals can claim the history and public recognition as that of the RSA’s Poppy Day Appeal. The first Poppy Day on 24 April 1922 began a tradition as the RSA’s primary means of raising funds to support the needs of the ex-service community.

Single Stamp

Single $2.00 'Supporting those who served' gummed stamp.

The RSA is famous for its advocacy and support services to assist the veteran and ex-service community - whether it be raising funds on Poppy Day, sending parcels to NZDF personnel posted overseas at Christmas time or lending a hand in the community.

Single Stamp

Single $2.20 'At the RSA' gummed stamp.

In the aftermath of both World Wars RSA clubrooms went up as quickly as war memorials. From the outset the clubrooms were intended ‘to keep intact the bond of comradeship’ for RSA members, but they also provided much needed facilities for the community.

Single Stamp

Single $2.50 'The Badge' gummed stamp.

For 100 years, the RSA badge has been one of the most recognisable symbols in New Zealand. It was RSA founder Captain Donald Simson who first floated the idea of a universal badge at the foundation conference in 1916.

Single Stamp

Single $3.00 'We will remember them' gummed stamp.

Remembrance plays a special part in the life of the RSA. The RSA sought early protection of the word ‘Anzac’ and Anzac Day, and its role as guardian of remembrance has continued in connection with the national day of commemoration and other commemorative days, memorials, and its own ‘Ode’ ceremony.

Miniature Sheet Mint, used or cancelled gummed miniature sheet. $11.90
First Day Cover First day cover with six gummed stamps affixed. $12.40
Miniature Sheet First Day Cover First day cover with gummed miniature sheet affixed. $12.40
Presentation Pack

The ultimate stamp collectable from this issue, the presentation pack contained the six gummed stamps, the miniature sheet and the first day cover as well as further detail on the history and relevance of the RSA as written by RNZRSA historian, Dr Stephen Clarke. The presentation pack was the perfect way to remember and honour the legacy of the RSA. $1 from the sale of each presentation pack went towards the RSA.

Still available to purchase. Click here.


Technical information

Date of issue: 3 February 2016
Number of stamps: Six gummed stamps
Denominations: 80c, $1.40 , $2.00, $2.20, $2.50 and $3.00
Stamps, miniature sheet and first day cover designed by: Richard Payne, New Zealand Post, Wellington, New Zealand
Printer and process: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography
Number of colours: Four process colours
Stamp size and format: 37.5mm x 36.95mm
Paper type: 104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper
Number of stamps per sheet: 25
Perforation gauge: 14.4 x 14.62
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 2 February 2017.
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