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Ross Dependency: Mount Erebus Extremophiles

It’s a bluebird day as a helicopter tracks towards the summit of Mt Erebus. It’s calm today and the research team prepares for drop-off. They are about to go hunting for something too small to be seen, except through a microscope. Mount Erebus Extremophiles takes a closer look at scientific research happening in the extreme conditions of Antarctica.

It’s an extraordinary mission to study the extraordinary. Scientists have discovered communities of microorganisms - bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and algae - living in the steaming soils of Mount Erebus. 

The organisms are extremophiles that have adapted to inhospitable conditions, both Antarctic and geothermal. Given the remoteness and isolation, it’s possible they have evolved to be unique, as has the environment they inhabit. The Ross Dependency stamp issue for 2024 puts the lens on this fascinating scientific research. 

Date of issue: 4 September 2024

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