Official issuer of New Zealand stamps & commemorative coins
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Sovereigns Provisional

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With the introduction of a new airgraph service a 10d stamp denomination was required.

Issue information

Stocks of the 1 1/2d value from the 1940 Centennial issue were overprinted by the New Zealand Government Printing Office with a 10d denomination.


New Zealand Post would like to acknowledge the following for their assistance and guidance in bringing together this stamp issue.

Historical Information

Information included on this page sourced from The Postage Stamps of New Zealand published by the Royal Philatelic Society of NZ. Their web site offers further information useful to those interested in the stamps and postal history of New Zealand. Link:

Product Listing for Sovereigns Provisional

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 10d 'Sovereigns' gummed stamp.

The portraits of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King Edward VIII were copied from postage stamps, while that of King George V was adapted from a British coin, (the image had to be reversed in order to obtain the direction required for the design as no photograph of the King facing to the right was available). The engraving of King George VI was from a Bertram Park portrait. The heraldic representations of the Union Jack and of New Zealand's ensign symbolised New Zealand's membership in the British Commonwealth of Nations under the sovereignty of the British Crown.


Technical information

Date of issue: 1 May 1944
Designers: J Berry, Wellington
Printer: Bradbury Wilkinson, England and Government Printing Office, New Zealand
Stamp size: 40mm x 24mm
Sheet size: 120 stamps per sheet
Process: Recess printed - Intaglio
Paper type: Wiggins Teape unsurfaced, NZ and star watermark.
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