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Tarapex Exhibition 2008

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New Zealand Post was delighted to be a major sponsor of Tarapex 2008 – a philatelic exhibition held in New Plymouth 7-9 November 2008.

Issue information

Featuring the best in Australasian exhibits, Tarapex aimed to increase public perception and knowledge of philately. To commemorate the event New Zealand Post issued a special miniature sheet and miniature sheet first day cover.

Product Listing for Tarapex Exhibtion 2008

Image Title Description Price
Miniature Sheet Mint, used or cancelled miniature sheet. $4.50
Souvenir Cover First day cover with miniature sheet affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $5.00

Technical information

Date of issue: 7 November 2008
Designer: Alan Hollows, Stamps Business, New Zealand Post
Printer: Southern Colour Print, Dunedin
Process: Offset lithography
Size of miniature sheet: 138mm x 85mm
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 6 November 2009.
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