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1996 Children's Health - Road Safety

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The 1996 Health stamp issue dealt with a more specific theme than many preceding Health stamp issues. It was built around the important issue of child road safety.

Issue information

Too many children die on New Zealand roads. The figures are stark. Every year 1500 are injured. Safety authorities are working hard to reduce the number of young lives lost so it was appropriate that the 1996 Health stamps should promote children's road safety.

1996 was the first occasion that a self-adhesive Health stamp (in coils of 100 stamps) was produced in addition to the normal miniature sheet and sheet stamps.

The initial sheet stamps and miniature sheets were printed by Joh Enschedé, however, on receipt of the designs an error was noticed in the 40c + 5c Children's Health Surcharge design (the child was illustrated incorrectly sitting in the child restraint seat). Due to the short time frame before issue date the sheet stamp was reprinted by Southern Colour Print and the miniature sheets and self-adhesive stamp reprinted by Sprintpak-Australia Post. A small quantity of the incorrectly designed stamp in both self-adhesive and sheet format were sold in error from at least two New Zealand Post Shops.

Product Listing for 1996 Children's Health - Road Safety

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single (40c + 5c donation) gummed stamp.

Child buckled into a car seat:
Printed by Southern Colour Print, New Zealand.

40c + 5c
Incorrectly designed sheet stamp - Child buckled into a car seat with teddy bear. Printed by Joh Enschedé, Netherlands.

Single Stamp

Single (80c + 5c donation) gummed stamp.

Child on pedestrian crossing with an adult:
Printed by Joh Enschedé, Netherlands.

  Single Stamp

Single (40c + 5c donation) self-adhesive coil stamp. 

Child buckled into a car seat:
Printed by Australia Post - Sprintpak, Australia.

Self-adhesive coil stamp - 40c + 5c
Incorrectly designed self-adhesive stamp - Child buckled into a car seat with teddy bear. Printed by Australia Post - Sprintpak, Australia.

Miniature Sheet Mint, used or cancelled miniature sheet. $2.60
First Day Cover First day cover with two gummed stamps and one self-adhesive stamp affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $2.00
Miniature Sheet First Day Cover First day cover with gummed miniature sheet affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $2.85
Self-adhesive Dispenser Dispenser box containing 100 x 40c + $5.00 (donation) self-adhesive stamps. $45.00

Technical information

Date of issue: 5 June 1996
Designer: Helen Casey, Auckland, New Zealand
Printers: Joh Enschedé, Netherlands, Australia Post-Sprintpak, Australia; Southern Colour Print, New Zealand
Stamp size: Sheet stamps: 29mm x 40.5mm; Self-adhesive stamp: 26mm x 37.5mm; Miniature Sheet Size: 130mm x 90mm
Sheet sizes: 100 stamps per sheet and coil; Miniature Sheet of four stamps
Process: Lithography
Perforation gauge: Sheet stamps: 13.25 x 13.75; Self-Adhesives: Die cut perforations
Paper type: Sheet stamps: Red phosphor coated, unwatermarked; Self-adhesive: JAC self adhesive, red phosphor coated, unwatermarked
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 5 June 1997.
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