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Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1995

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In November 1995 New Zealand hosted its first Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). 

Issue information

This significant event was held in Auckland and was attended by approximately 1,500 people including the Heads of State of all Commonwealth Nations and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who does not attend the meeting but visits the host country at the time of the meeting to meet the Commonwealth Leaders..

Held every two years in different countries, CHOGMs are noted for giving Commonwealth leaders the opportunity to meet and exchange views in an informal setting. Pomp and ceremony are kept to a minimum. Resolutions are reached, not by voting, but rather by extensive consultation and arriving at a consensus.

New Zealand Post commemorated this occasion with a special issue of two stamps - 40c and $1.80 - together with a first day cover.

Product Listing for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1995

Click on image to enlarge.

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 40c 'CHOGM' gummed stamp.

CHOGM logo with fern and world globe.

Single Stamp

Single $1.80 'CHOGM' gummed stamp.

CHOGM logo with fern and New Zealand flag.

First Day Cover First day cover with two gummed stamps affixed. $1.70

Technical information

Date of issue: 9 November 1995
Stamps and first day cover designed by: Red Cactus Design, Wellington, NZ
Number of stamps: Two
Denominations and categories: 40c CHOGM with Fern; $1.80 - CHOGM with Fern and Flag
Printer and process: Leigh-Mardon Pty Ltd, Australia, by lithography
Stamp size and format: 50mm x 30mm (horizontal)
Number of stamps per sheet: 50 stamps 
Perforation gauge: 14 x 14
Paper type: Harrison and Sons, red phosphor coated, unwatermarked
Period of sale: These stamps remained on sale until 9 November 1996.
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