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1967 Ross Dependency - Decimal Pictorials

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This stamp issue was a reprint of the 1957 Ross Dependency Pictorial stamps with their new decimal currency denominations, as a result of the introduction of decimal currency on 10 July 1967.

Issue information

The 2c design was completed by E Mervyn Taylor, the 3c by L C Mitchell, the 7c by M R Smith and the 15c by James Berry.

Ross Dependency Postage in New Zealand

Ross Dependency stamps are not valid for postage in New Zealand. Click here to find out more.

Product Listing for 1967 Ross Dependency - Decimal Pictorials

Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 2c 'HMS Erebus and Mount Erebus' gummed stamp.

The ship Erebus was built during the Napoleonic Wars and had been specially strengthened for ice work, it was the flagship of Sir James Clark Ross who in 1841 discovered Mount Erebus and McMurdo Sound. The region was later to be used as their base by the Scott Expeditions of 1901 and 1910, the Shackleton Expedition of 1908 and in still later years as the location of Scott Base, the permanent site of the New Zealand Antarctic Research Station. The Ross Dependency takes its name from the well-known explorer.

Single Stamp

Single 3c 'Antarctic Explorers' gummed stamp.

Portraits of Robert Falcon Scott, leader of the ill-fated 1910-12 British Antarctic Expedition and Ernest Henry Shackleton, leader of the 1914-16 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, with a map of the Ross Dependency as background. Every possible photograph of the two leaders were scrutinised before the final selection was made.

Single Stamp

Single 7c 'Map of New Zealand and Antarctica' gummed stamp.

A map of the Antarctic region, with the Ross Dependency shown prominently in relation to New Zealand. The stamp proved difficult to produce as in order to bring both New Zealand and the Dependency within the scope of one stamp, the former had to be foreshortened. The stamp includes the boundaries of the Ross Dependency, 160'E and 150'W longitude and 60'S latitude. Shown on the map are the Ross Dependency, New Zealand, Chatham Islands, Campbell Island, Ross Sea, Cape Adare, McMurdo Sound and the Antarctic Circle.

Single Stamp

Single 15c 'Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II' gummed stamp.

A portrait of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. James Berry's drawing was similar to what he prepared for the New Zealand 'Official' series, but with the Queen facing left instead of right.


Technical information

Date of issue: 10 July 1967
Designers: E Mervyn Taylor, L C Mitchell, Wellington, M R Smith, Levin and J Berry, Wellington
Printers: Thomas De La Rue, England
Stamp size: 2c and 3c : 40mm x 25mm;  7c : 25mm x 40mm;  15c : 24mm x 28mm
Sheet Size: 120 stamps per sheet
Process: Recess printed - Intaglio
Performance gauge: 2c, 3c, and 7c : 14; 15c : 13.5 x 13
Paper type: Wiggins Teape 'Royal Cypher', multiple NZ and star watermark
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