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Heritage - The Land

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This issue was part of a Heritage series of stamps leading up to the 1990 150th anniversary celebrations in New Zealand. The year 1990 marked 150 years since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Issue information

To commemorate this landmark a series of stamps celebrating the country's heritage were produced.  This issue Heritage - The Land consisted of a set of six stamps featuring reproductions of early New Zealand paintings completed by some of the country's most famous 19th century artists.

These artists interpreted the crystal clear light and rugged scenery in a romanticised European fashion.  Their paintings were often sent to England as the first record of the new found frontier - persuading many settlers to emigrate.

Product listing for Heritage - The Land

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Image Title Description Price
Single Stamp

Single 40c 'Lake Pukaki' gummed stamp.

In 1926, John Gully was said to be 'the greatest landscape painter of this country, as was Turner of Europe'. His watercolours were generous in scale, dramatic in feeling and gave the English gentry a taste for the unusual beauty of New Zealand.

Single Stamp

Single 60c 'On the Grass Plain - Below Lake Arthur' gummed stamp.

William Fox's paintings became a true visual record of the newly discovered lands and he was known for his great ability at capturing the essence of the local landscape. He explored the South Island with Charles Heaphy - they were probably the first Europeans ever to sight Lake Rotorua near where he painted 'Below Lake Arthur'.

Single Stamp

Single 70c 'View of Auckland in 1873' gummed stamp.

John Hoyte lived in New Zealand from 1862-1879. Known for "a clearness of outline peculiar to his pictures", he organised exhibitions throughout New Zealand and as far afield as Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.

Single Stamp

Single 80c 'Mt Egmont - From the Southward' gummed stamp.

Described as "a young artist of rare distinction with remarkable originality and insight", Charles Heaphy is probably the most celebrated of our 19th Century water-colourists. He is most famous for works like 'Mt Egmont', where Heaphy shows a degree of sensitivity to the clarity of New Zealand light.

Single Stamp

Single $1.05 'Anakiwa - Queen Charlotte Sound' gummed stamp.

For John Kinder, painting watercolours was an amusement he began more as a record of his holiday trips to the Colony. The bulk of the Kinder Collection is in the Auckland Art Gallery - given as a gift from his son in 1937.

Single Stamp

Single $1.30 'White Terraces - Lake Rotomahana' gummed stamp.

Charles Barraud was especially fond of the unique atmospheric effects of late New Zealand afternoons. He spent 26 years travelling and recording his impressions of New Zealand's picturesque scenery.

First Day Cover First day cover with stamps affixed. Cancelled on the first day of issue. $5.08


Technical information

Date of issue:  5 October 1988
Designer: R M Conly, Waikanae
First day cover designer: Maurice Conly
Printers: Leigh-Mardon, Australia
Stamp size: 40mm x 28mm
Sheet size: 100 stamps per sheet
Process: Lithography
Paper type: Unwatermarked
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